Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Milk or Roids? Pick your poison

Well as I was driving today I heard on the ol'sports talk radio that someone in the Marlins organization has been suspended. For steroids? Nope, milk. Yeah milk. It seems that LA Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny made a little bet with one of the Bat Boys. He said he couldn't drink a gallon of milk in under an hour and hold it down. Most people have heard this and it is true you can do it.

Well the Bat Boy wanted the $500 bucks that was on the line and took up Penny's challenge. Sadly he didn't win, well not the money anyway. What he did get was a 6 game suspension for the next 6 home games. A little harsh don't you think. I mean the MLB governing body only gives a 10 game suspension to first time steroid users.

Now MLB didn't suspended him, the Marlins did. But do you think the Dodgers are going to suspend Brad? Naw. Penny should give the kid the money anyway for trying and maybe even pay him what he will be missing for the next 6 games. Sure hope the kid never gets osteoporosis cause then there could be a huge lawsuit headed for the Marlins.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Enough already!!!!

Ok I have had my fill of TO for the entire season and it hasn't even started yet! I understand that Terrell Owens is a really good receiver. Yet I would take Marvin Harrison in a heart beat. He might help the team on the field but kills them off. He maybe fast but not a fast as his mouth. And for all the talking that he has done that's all he is to me just talk.

Win something TO. Yeah the Eagles went to the Super Bowl and for all the crying you are doing wanting more money remember this McNabb got to the conference game 3 times without you. You did nothing in the playoffs last year I did as much as you did. So maybe I need to call Drew Rosenhaus and have him get me a raise at work.

So today TO gets sent home from camp. He can stay home as far as I am concerned. Here is a guy that can't win with the Niners and wants out. He gets traded to the Ravens and throws a fit. They agree to let the trade go and he ends up in Philly, where HE wanted to go to.

Now since he is the self proclaimed "best receiver in the league" he thinks he should get a new deal. Well it was good enough last year and you didn't win so it should be good now. Shut up and play, win something, anything an MVP, something!

Players like him in any sport kill me. I think I am great I deserve more money and I should get it, cause after all I have to feed my family. Yeah well I got a news flash for you TO your almost in the same category as Barry Bond. Your good (Bonds is great) and the public is dying to be your biggest fan but you keep pushing them away. Aren't you smart enough to realize that the more popular you are the more money you can make.

But at the end of the day you will probably end up like Bonds a good player that never won the big prize the only difference is Bond will be in the Hall and may go down as the greatest ball player that ever played his sport. TO has a long way to go to even be mentioned with the great players of the NFL. He will never catch Rice and will probably won't even be the best to play in his era.

So he may get a new deal or he may get traded but until he truly understands the concept of what it means to be a team member, he will continue to be a good player that missed his chance to be great.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Hostile and Abusive or Hysteria and Absurd

Well the NCAA today made a big announcement, from now on all schools that have mascots that are Indians and are deemed Hostile and Abusive will be banned from being seen during post season play.

Good thing or bad? I think its crazy, when you consider teams like Florida State (yeah that's right Wes) are included. The Seminoles is, to the NCAA either hostile or abusive or both. This despite the fact that the FL Seminole tribe has given their blessings to the school. In other words to the actual Indians that they are paying respect to they don't care, but the NCAA does. Crazy. It isn't like St. John's used to be, the Redmen. I can see where that is offensive and applaud them for changing their name.

I don't think I am alone on this here is what the President of FSU said this today,

"Florida State University is stunned at the complete lack of appreciation for cultural diversity shown by the National Collegiate Athletic Association's executive committee. ... That the NCAA would now label our close bond with the Seminole Tribe of Florida as culturally 'hostile and abusive' is both outrageous and insulting,"

Is Hostile a bad thing or just when if portrays Indians? I mean is there some group that is going to be offend by Michigan States Spartan? He has a sword and shield and is ready to go into battle, is he hostile? Will some group come forward and demand them do something? What is next PETA coming in and saying since fighting roosters is illegal that South Carolina can no longer be the Game Cocks?

On somethings people need to lighten up this I think is one of them. As long as the image is one of respect and not making fun of Indians what's the big deal?