Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Milk or Roids? Pick your poison

Well as I was driving today I heard on the ol'sports talk radio that someone in the Marlins organization has been suspended. For steroids? Nope, milk. Yeah milk. It seems that LA Dodgers pitcher Brad Penny made a little bet with one of the Bat Boys. He said he couldn't drink a gallon of milk in under an hour and hold it down. Most people have heard this and it is true you can do it.

Well the Bat Boy wanted the $500 bucks that was on the line and took up Penny's challenge. Sadly he didn't win, well not the money anyway. What he did get was a 6 game suspension for the next 6 home games. A little harsh don't you think. I mean the MLB governing body only gives a 10 game suspension to first time steroid users.

Now MLB didn't suspended him, the Marlins did. But do you think the Dodgers are going to suspend Brad? Naw. Penny should give the kid the money anyway for trying and maybe even pay him what he will be missing for the next 6 games. Sure hope the kid never gets osteoporosis cause then there could be a huge lawsuit headed for the Marlins.


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