Friday, June 08, 2007

This is so not hot or fair either!

Oh boy here we go Paris is on her way BACK to jail. A day after the judicial system in California took another hit in the eye of public opinion.
The thing that kills me about this is the way everyone of the Hilton's are acting. Paris cried through out the saga today. Her mom was upset.
When the judge announced that she was to go back to jail Paris screams and her mother begins to cry uncontrollably.
Give me a break she is going to be in there less than 25 days total, maybe even less than 20.She isn't going to for life or even a year, less than a month. I know that jail isn't a place you want to be but Paris is going to be separated from general population.
I guess she can't stand to be out of the public eye that long or away from her cell phone or is afraid she is going to miss a kicking party while in the pokey. Well all this could have been avoided IF she hadn't of decided to go out drinking and driving.
Then of course she didn't need to be out driving on a suspended license. Where she was caught not once but twice by the police.This girl thinks the world is hers and she commands it, her parents should have been parents rather than an ATM.
I won't be surprised when she does something to get into trouble again. She yelled this isn't fair as they put her in the car. I am sure she thinks everyone is out to get her and will play that card with her folks and they will buy into it.
But you know what REALLY is sad about the whole thing?????
Now to me that is a whole lot more scary than 20 days in jail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why tigers eat their young.
signed.....Zookie in heaven

4:56 PM  

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