Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rolling the dice good or bad?

Everyone’s gambling so let’s bring it to KY. That was what one guy from Danville says. Everyone’s doing it so let’s make some money off it. Well the same could be said for illegal drug use in KY. There are so many doing it lets make it legal and make some money off of it. Forget about what social problems may come from it let’s just do it and get the money.

The social ills that come from legal gambling may not affect Mr. Hendricks directly but it would none the less. When you consider that KY is already low on the list of states in unempolyment, education, childcare and you have people who make careers out of manipulating the 'system' to get benefits. You can see that bringing in false hope can only make it worse.

False hope in the form of hitting the big one, pulling the slot at just the right time or making the right call in a poker hand and with all the winnings we’ll be fine for the rest of our lives. As for his song and dance about helping our roads and schools, heard that one some 15 plus years ago with the lottery. The result, well little Johnny still is having trouble with his reading and writing but has improved on his numbers cause he can pick 3 like nobody else.

PS. Once again I made the paper. I should be on the payroll.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article! I'm proud of you!

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dad said....

I like the ending to the article on gambling. You are doing a good job in your comments.

7?30 p.m.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to drink, smoke and gamble. I hope that some day I do hit the lottery. This working 1/2 days with hangovers is killing me....
Hey when I was tight end for the Crimson Tide, Coach Bryant took it easy on me but the people that I work with all make fun of me and talk about me behind my back. Is it any wonder that I get mad when the call me HD and tell my boss that I play Zooky Hooky?

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in NJ when they approved Casino gambling in Atlantic City. It was going to save the city but that was not the case. Organized crime, corruption, prostitution and a mass exodus of people who lived there their whole life is what I remember most. That and some poor suckers going down there and losing everything including their house...that really happened several times.

5:02 PM  

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