Saturday, December 29, 2007

Oh what we won't do for our kids.

Those of us who are blessed with children understand wanting to do everything for their kids.

I mean what parent hasn't gotten up in the middle of the night to hold their child while they are sick? What parent hasn't search and search for a special toy or gift for a birthday or Christmas?

I think most of us have gone to great links for one thing or another. So when it comes down to someone trying to figure out who should be considered parent of the year it is really hard to figure that out.

As hard as it may seem for her daughter to understand Priscilla Ceballos won't be in this years running. Mrs. Ceballos daughter just won 4 tickets to see Hanna Montana. Those of you who have little girls at home may understand what a big prize that really is.

Not only did she get the tickets she also won a makeover to look like Lil Billy Ray Cyrus's offspring, complete with a blonde wig just like she wears on the show.

She won the tickets because of an essay that her mother wrote. A heart wrenching story about how her daughter should win the tickets after the rough year of loosing her father in a roadside bomb in Iraq.

It worked. It tugged at the right hearts and she won. Problem is, yeah you probably already guessed, it was a lie. There was no father killed in Iraq. Not even a man in the army with the name that her mother had given.

So what did the ol'
fabricating Priscilla have to say about the ordeal? Well showing no remorse she said " We did the essay and that's what we did to win," Priscilla Ceballos, the mother, said in an interview with Dallas TV station KDFW. "We did whatever we could do to win. "

Whatever it takes huh? So lying is a good lesson for you child? Cheating out tons of other little girls that might actually have experienced a true tragic event in their life or have suffered a a true hardship this past year. And all she can say is we did what ever it took to win?

Wow she wins Idiot Mother of the Year to me. Now the quandary for the organizers of the contest is what to do with the tickets? Do they take them from the poor 6 year old or not?

I say they do take them away, let the mother have a REAL parenting moment with her young daughter. Let her deal with the crying and let her explain to the girl that mommy is a liar and that is why they lost the tickets.

Instead of tickets and a trip to New York for the Holidays I offer Priscilla the consolation prize.
Here you go, display it with pride.....

Should look good next to the Brittney Spears is my hero poster on the wall.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I see your 2 and throw my 1 in the game.

OK what is going on? I read about this on one of my favorite blogs

It is unbelievable to me how the Spear's family has fallen so fast. Once the 2 girls where the model of the All-American girl to some.

Now they seem to be the stereo-typical trailer trash that people talk about.

Sad really when you think that this is what the media is pushing on the teens and now PRETEENS in our country.

Now we have the younger Spears coming out and justifying everything by saying that the father is 'long-time boyfriend' Casey Aldridge. Long time? LONG TIME? She is 16. How long have they been together? Since she was 11 or 12? 14 maybe?

Wonder which will come first her having a 2nd or Brittney having a 3rd?

The race is on girls.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Kentucky Wildcats Intro

Here it is Cats fans the intro that is played before every home game.

I went to the UNC game this past week and when they showed this the place was electric.
It was loud and got only louder as the clips rolled on.

You probably won't get the same feeling that I did when over 23,000 fans were screaming and going crazy but you will enjoy seeing some of the best plays in our long and great history.

By the way the only other time it was that loud in the game was when Patrick Patterson managed to get an in your face dunk on UNC. Yet for the 4th time in a row we weren't the better team.

But that is alright, we won 4 in a row before that so we can do it again.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Gotta go right now!!

I have seen some crazy things in sports but this has to be one of the craziest.

Thanks to Bill Walker of Kansas State this is the new number 1 I do believe.


Caption from the Kansas City Star…..

When nature calls…With just seconds left in regulation and K-State lined up to inbound the ball and run a last second play, Bill Walker was overcome with an urge too strong to control. he stepped to the sideline and relieved himself with several towels. KSU lost to Oregon in overtime, 80-77.