Monday, March 06, 2006

OVER - RATED ! ! !!! OVER - RATED ! ! !!!

Well it is March and it's time to hear all the usually chants and sayings from the crowd but it is also the time of year where we are flooded with what is truly the most overrated thing in College Basketball today.....Rushing the court.

Everyday we see the same thing over and over, kids running onto the court happy that their team just won the tourney or they beat the a top ranked team. So they do something that is tired and has been done over and over and over again to where I for one am sick of seeing it.

What does it really do? To me the kids are really saying: "Our team usually stinks and this the greatest thing that has ever happened to us!!" Well that may very well because you think of all the great schools in College Basketball can you image if UK, Duke, UNC or Kansas did that? NO cause they all have won the big games and that is what they expect to do. So I guess when you expect to loose then maybe running on the court is the best thing you can think of.

Last week FSU beat Duke at home and naturally they had to run onto the court to celebrate, yet they started with 1.1 secs on the clock after a foul. Out of control. They not only cost their team a technical (and had it been less than 3 maybe the game) but they also endangered the entire staff and players for Duke.

Now was I sad that Duke lost, ahhh NO! But I do respect coach K and I don't blame him a bit for taking his starters off the court after that happened. After what happened a few of weeks ago before the Michigan vs St Michigan game where a player knocked down and sent a kid to the hospital, college kids shouldn't be anywhere near players before, after or during a game.

Did we learn NOTHING from the NBA last year and the Pacers vs Pistons game? The NCAA wants to ban some schools due to their names, because they maybe offensive but the most any conference has done is fine a school 5K for letting kids run on the floor? Give me a break, this is one time that they should do something and they sit back and allow it to happen. Well I guess when one school sues another because a player got hurt due to one of the kids running on the floor then the NCAA will do something.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well today was the birthday of the late great Dr. Seuss. I can't imagine any kid not enjoying any of the books he wrote. I know my son loves them. Although he didn't care for the green eggs they had at school with their ham, he still loves the story.

Here is a quote from the author:

``I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a
necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life
through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and
that enables you to laugh at life's realities.'' Dr. Suess

My father loves his work and uses it at times when he preaches and has been known to dabble a bit in the style of the ol' Doc as well.

Here is the one he did for my son's class, by the way Dad the teacher said that not only did she love it so did others at the school

A Tribute to Dr. Seuss

Maybe he’s from Whoville but Who really can tell?

He came into our lives and he stayed for a spell.

We grew up with him and he grew with us

And we’ll grow up together if grow up we must.

And when we’ve grown up enough to say that we’re grown,

We will have grown up somewhat but certainly not alone.

Even as grown-ups we won’t be completely up-grown

‘Cause growing doesn’t stop when folks say that you’re grown.

Now let me tell you a Thing One or a Thing Two;

Always make room for that kid inside you.

Eggs don’t have to be yellow; ham can be green.

Even before you’re up-grown, these are things that you’ve seen.

And, if being all grown up takes those things away,

Then just save a bit of growing up for some waaay far-off day.

Keep a cat in your hat and maybe a fish or two.

Tag along with a Horton when he visits a Who.

If Christmas gets stolen, you’ll never be to blame,

‘Cause your eyes always sparkle at the mention of his name.

Nice one Dad :)