Sunday, July 10, 2005

Randolph Morris and the NBA Draft

Well the NBA draft came and went and no UK player was picked (shock). I think most fans understood why Kelenna left and naturally we wish him the best. Morris on the other hand, while we wish him the best too, a little confusing.

I would like to know who the 'sources' were that told Morris he was going to go middle to late first round. But really I would love to hear why they think he wasn't drafted. Coach Smith wasn't in the loop, since Morris would just fax him things now and again. That must have been the NBA's first clue that the kid wasn't ready, when he wouldn't stand up like a man and tell his coach what his plans were. So what did those sources see?

I guess they didn't see him at UK where he was dominated by smaller more experinced players most of the time. They didn't see that he is a guy who didn't realize he was 6'10" until the NCAA tourney when he got his 1st double double of the season.

Maybe they saw a clip of him in high school where he dunked over a 15 year old kid that would love to just be the manager of a Division one school. Perhaps they looked at him and saw a kid nearly 7 foot and thought "he has to be able to play", after all he was at Kentucky.

Not really sure what they saw but I know what I saw. I saw a kid listen to people that are gamblers. Gambling that if Morris does get picked then they will be able to cash in on their brillant insight. I saw a father blinded by the flashing lights of the NBA over the common sense of a 5th grader.

The biggest thing I saw was a kid who disrespected a coach who knows the hard work it takes to be successfull and has proven himself in the basketball world.

On second thought maybe Morris is ready for the NBA.


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